Every Tuesday here at the
Lademoen Kunstnerverksteden, there is a big pot of soup brewed up and we gather around the long table at noon and take a break from our respective toils, trials and triumphs d'jour. All the artists here are very sweet and sharp, often speaking English so I won't feel left out. Thursday is Pastry-and-Tea-Day and last week, I was directed to the work of
Juhana Moisander, a Finnish artist who did a residency at the LKV a few years back and whom my work reminded them of. The conversation found its way into the supernatural energies of this space, of which I hear there are many. I have had no personal sightings yet, but I am ULTRA wary of the basement under my flat, where I have to go in the middle of the night for the bathroom, and I am also on the lookout for "3 men in uniform strolling the hallways" of the giant studio building, a leftover from forced occupation during ole' Dubya Dubya Two. Huh. Note to self: Pick up some sage in town.

That Baba photo is AMAZING! Hi Alyssa.