MEIOSIS: In the landscape was well attended last Friday night! Almost all the artists from LKV came down, wishing us congratulations and looking very thoroughly at all the art! Ah, if only we took such time in the States! Cathrine introduced Gavin (pictured, with hat) and I in Norwegian to a round of applause and 'Skoal' as we toasted the crowd and waited for questions that never came! Compliments were routed through Cathrine, however, and people were impressed and thought the show 'mystical, peaceful and witty.' The trio of trouble, my new friends, pictured- (L to R) Øyvind, Hovårt and Stefffen rallied for the occasion and we wandered out into the wilds of Trondheim for birthday celebrations, storytelling, Cava, sled demonstrations and bouncer tiffs and loud carrying on at Bruk Bar, the local place that everyone seems to end up at. Quite a night!
Fabulous, congratulations! What an experience.