The 5 ladies of our humble house- Sissu, Ashley, Adriane, Catalin and myself, a veritable smorgasbord of Iceland, Brooklyn and Deutschland ventured into an oncoming blizzard to take in the sights. We sought out a fish skin/sheepskin warehouse that makes its krona exporting dyed wolf fish skins to Italy, no doubt. I had ambitions to buy a cheap fuzzy wumfy thing to bring home, but all the sheep, horse skins, seal, reindeer, fox, etc. hides started to really give me the willies, so I relented to accepting some white horse hair "on the house" for my projects and we all called it a day.The way home proved challenging with visibility only 10 meters in front of the car. Sissu powered us through it with her special CRV designed so she can drive it with her hands (she is in a wheelchair and an amazing lady to boot). Nice, a spring blizzard! Just what I was hoping for after Norway, MORE SNOW. Aaarrrrrrrgggggggggh.

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