Last Friday spawned one of those magical nights where everything happens at once. Neglecting to make time for Crispin Hellion Glover's performance at the former German submarine bunker DORA, friends and I traversed the city from gallery to gallery, injesting provocative works, Cava, waffles and wine. Cath and Ørjan's hard work paid off, with my favorites being the Slug Boat installation and Ørjan's captain of real time live action. Madeline gave them slug hats to don while they held court. If Erik showing off his chest eyeball looks menacing, it proved it later. After waffles and infinity boxes at Blukk, and Heather Passmore's exhibit at Babel, we headed to LKV for the 3 year anniversary party. I neglected earlier to mention that in lieu of smoking, people here stick pouches of tobacco under their lip. Ewww, right? The girls even have mini packs that come in cute boxes. Erik swayed me to try one, which only made me dizzy and start reading people's palms. Note to self: skip it! A good time was had all around, as usual here in the pleasant village of Trondheim, Norway. One week left.

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